
<script language="JavaScript">

// Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved.
// Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
// Additional scripts can be found at http://www.geocities.com/~yehuda/

// create 6-element array
var hex = new Array(6)

// assign non-dithered descriptors
hex[0] = "FF"
hex[1] = "CC"
hex[2] = "99"
hex[3] = "66"
hex[4] = "33"
hex[5] = "00"

// accept triplet string and display as background color
function display(triplet) {
 // set color as background color
 document.bgColor = '#' + triplet

 // display the color hexadecimal triplet
 alert('现在的背景色是 #'+triplet)

// draw a single table cell based on all descriptors
function drawCell(red, green, blue) {
 // open cell with specified hexadecimal triplet background color
 document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="#' + red + green + blue + '">')

 // open a hypertext link with javascript: scheme to call display function
 document.write('<a href="javascript:display(\'' + (red + green + blue) + '\')">')

 // print transparent image (use any height and width)
 document.write('<IMG SRC="place.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=12 WIDTH=12>')

 // close link tag

 // close table cell

// draw table row based on red and blue descriptors
function drawRow(red, blue) {
 // open table row

 // loop through all non-dithered color descripters as green hex
 for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
  drawCell(red, hex[i], blue)

 // close current table row

// draw table for one of six color cube panels
function drawTable(blue) {
 // open table (one of six cube panels)

 // loop through all non-dithered color descripters as red hex
 for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
  drawRow(hex[i], blue)

 // close current table

// draw all cube panels inside table cells
function drawCube() {
 // open table

 // loop through all non-dithered color descripters as blue hex
 for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
  // open table cell with white background color
  document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">')

  // call function to create cube panel with hex[i] blue hex

  // close current table cell

 // close table row and table

// call function to begin execution

// -->


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